For Immediate Release

July 28, 2015
Karen Mack
Mike’s Art Truck
“Picture Hillsborough: Folk Art by Sam Ezell”
Moves to the Orange County Historical Museum
Exhibit runs August 6, 2015 through September 25, 2015
Hillsborough, N.C. – The Orange County Historical Museum and Mike’s Art Truck are pleased to announce the opening of the exhibit “Picture Hillsborough: Folk Art by Sam Ezell” at the museum on August 6, 2015. The exhibit, recently on view at the Hillsborough Visitors Center, features paintings of some of Hillsborough’s historic buildings by local self-taught artist Sam Ezell.
The artist Sam Ezell is a resident of Hillsborough where he works full-time handling maintenance at a local shopping center. Visitors can easily spot his studio/shop in Daniel Boone Village by looking for the fantastic birdhouses out in front. Also hard to miss is his panel truck covered with bright folk art paintings and Ezell’s phone number.
When Sam Ezell first began to paint he didn’t believe he could do it. But he gave it a try, to honor a promise to an old friend, and he was surprised how much he enjoyed it. Since then, painting has become his favorite pastime. Now, when folk art fans and collectors think of Hillsborough, NC, they most likely think of Sam Ezell. His paintings regularly sell out at the annual FolkFest show in Atlanta. Ezell is also a featured and popular artist at the prestigious Kentuck Festival of the Arts in Northport, AL, held every October.
“Picture Hillsborough” had its debut at the Orange County Main Library in January 2015, and in May 2015 it was reprised at the Hillsborough Visitors Center. The exhibit organizers are excited to be bringing these paintings now to the Orange County Historical Museum. The subjects, all chosen by the artist, range from the obvious, such as The Burwell School, to the unusual, such as Latta Brothers Tractor Service. For this latest edition of “Picture Hillsborough”, the exhibition also includes Ezell’s painting of “The Old Library,” the 1934 building that now houses the museum.
Alongside the paintings, historical clues are installed that challenge the viewer to identify the structures. There is also an address list for those who want to find the locations on their own, although many of the buildings are private residences and are not open to visitors.
Visitors to Hillsborough commonly expect to see buildings of the Colonial era through the time of the Civil War. The organizers of “Picture Hillsborough” hope that this group of paintings will remind viewers that the scope of history is much broader and continues through today.
Paintings are available for purchase directly from Mike’s Art Truck. Purchased artwork can be picked up at the conclusion of the show. Contact Mike’s Art Truck for sales information by email at or by phone at 678-345-2778. Visit their website at
“Picture Hillsborough” runs from August 6, 2015 through September 25, 2015 at the Orange County Historical Museum, 201 N Churton Street, Hillsborough, NC 27278. Admission is free.
The museum is open Tuesday-Saturday 11 am to 4 pm, and Sunday 1 pm - 4 pm.
Call 919-732-2201 for more information. Visit their website at
More of Sam Ezell’s work can be seen at the Hillsborough Visitors Center in the current exhibition, “Just For Fun: More Folk Art by Sam Ezell’ which runs through September 18, 2015.