j.d. Sipe is a self-taught artist who is best known for his portraits of blues, jazz, and rock musicians. He usually paints with acrylics on wood and often incorporates cutouts from metal food cans or other found objects, lending his work a distinctive Southwestern flavor. The paintings continue from the front of the board around the sides, making them ready to hang. j.d. also constructs tribute pieces in mixed media, and pen-and-ink drawings on paper. He tells us he has been an artist all his life. Fans are welcome to request portraits of their favorite musicians or cultural icons.
With his wife and many cats, j.d. lives in a part of Albuquerque referred to as "The War Zone,” once notorious for crime and gang activity. Now more positively renamed “The International District,” the city’s most culturally diverse neighborhood is also home to the city’s best selection of international restaurants and grocery stores.